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Six Highlights

High-level international academic exchange

As an international academic conference in the field of reproductive genetics, the 2024 International Society of Reproductive Genetics Conference invites foreign pioneers and top experts in reproductive genetics, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and famous domestic experts and scholars to make presentations, establishing an offline communication platform for the attendees. Currently, the invited speakers include Prof. Alan Handyside from University of Kent, who is the pioneer of PGT technology and president of the International Society of Reproductive Genetics; Prof. Stephen Lye and Prof. Stephen Matthews from University of Toronto; Prof. Ben Mol from Monash University; Prof. Yiping Shen from Boston Children’s Hospital of Harvard Medical School; Prof. Dennis Lo and Prof. Kwong WaiChoy from the Chinese University of Hong Kong; Prof. Shu Biu Yeungof the University of Hong Kong; Prof. Wei Ge from the University of Macau; and Prof. Zhihong Yang, secretary general of the International Society for Reproductive Genetics.

The conference centered on life-course health

The conference will focus on the hot issues in genetics and reproductive health, including intergenerational and transgenerational genetic mechanisms of developmental origins of diseases, pre-pregnancy carrier screening and genetic counseling, preimplantation genetic testing, new progress and applications of gene editing technology, progress in single-cell multi-omics technology, pathogenicity assessment of genomic variants, clinical and basic research on reproductive physiology/pathology, applications of genetics technology in fetal/newborn screening and diagnosis, fertility preservation and conservation for oncology patients, ART offspring health, etc.

The establishment of the Yangtze River Delta Integrated Reproductive Health Promotion Alliance

In order to promote reproductive health, improve the quality of population, and contribute to “Healthy China 2030”, Prof. Hefeng Huang will initiate the establishment of the Yangtze River Delta Integrated Reproductive Health Promotion Alliance. The purpose of the Alliance is to integrate the advantageous resources of reproductive health in the Yangtze River Delta region, and link up the professional institutions of reproductive health in the region, and build a reproductive health management system covering premarital, preconception, pregnancy, newborns and childhood at all stages.

Frontier and improvement

Before the date of the conference, there will be a discussion session on difficult cases and a training workshop on cutting-edge technologies in related fields. National leading reproductive genetics teams will present and report on difficult clinical cases and laboratory operations, and experts will be invited to comment and discuss the cases.

The exploration of integrative medicine

The conference will also set up the content of integrative medicine, and invite famous experts and scholars in the field to conduct academic exchanges and in-depth discussion about the hot issues on reproductive medicine, and to explore the future of the integrative medicine in reproduction health!

The cultivation of young doctors and scholars

The conference will set up international youth forum which will be a great stage for the young doctors and scholars. There will also be a poster presentation area where excellent papers/abstracts will be selected for discussion and exchange.
